Stet clita kasd est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum adipisicing elit. Maxime, voluptates, nemo, quaerat culpa sunt quibusdam vitae ipsa.
Nick Name: John C. Smithy
Job Title: Worker Bee
Years of service: 2 years
This dog has earned its Championship certificates in the American Rare Breed Association - Kennel Club USA and the International UCI
Championship: ARBA - KC-USA - International UCI - American Rare Breed Association Master Champion
Owners Name: Dana Witt -Available for Stud Service-
This dog has recently earned championships in ARBA - KC-USA - International UCI.
Championship: ARBA - KC-USA - UCI
Owners Name: Gehard Maale Lonestar Mastiffs
This dog has gained championships from the American Rare Breed Association, Kennel Club USA and the International KC-USA
Dogs Name: Red Rock Canyon's Logan Rocks
Championship: ARBA - KC-USA - UCI
Owners Name: Helen Kouchi - Ken Kouchi - Curt Gebers
This dog has won championships recently from the American Rare Breed Association - Kennel Club USA - International UCI
Dogs Name: Maemuki's Good Day Sunshine
Championship: ARBA - KC-USA - UCI
Owners Name: a href="#"> Karen Williman
This dog has gained championships from the American Rare Breed Association, Kennel Club USA and the International KC-USA
Dogs Name: Aurora
Championship: ARBA - KC-USA - UCI
Owners Name: Gehard Maale - Lonestar Mastiffs
This dog has recently has earned championships with the American Rare Breed Association - Kennel Club USA - International UCI
Dogs Name: Revelation Ohana Mia
Championship: ARBA - KC-USA - International UCI
This dog has won various championships from the American Rare Breed Association - Kennel Club USA - International UCI
Dogs Name:Renegade
Championship: ARBA - KC-USA - UCI
This dog has earned championships from the American Rare Breed Association - Kennel Club USA - International UCI
Dogs Name:Atiya V'Atiya Shi'Rayan
Championship: ARBA - KC-USA - UCI
This dog has earned championships from the American Rare Breed Association - Kennel Club USDA - International UCI
Dogs Name: Enzo's Desert Magic V Abbaio
Championship: ARBA - KC-USA - UCI
Owners Name:Gayle Sutton
This dog has recently won championships in our virtual shows with the American Rare Breed Association - Kennel Club USA - International UCI
Championship: ARBA - KC-USA - UCI
This is a King Shepherd Second Generation.
Dogs Name: Piper The Viper Of Celtic Heart
Championship: ARBA - KC-USA
This dog has earned championships with the American Rare Breed Association - Kennel Club USA - International UCI
Championship: ARBA - KC-USA - UCI
This dog has recently won championships in our virtual shows with the American Rare Breed Association - Kennel Club USA - International UCI
Championship: ARBA - KC-USA - UCI
Owners Name: MAINE AIM RANCH Maine Aim Ranch Dogs McCullough Fitting Clinics Chuck & Karen McCullough 1250 King Rd. Allerton, IA. 50008
This dog has won championships from ARBA - KC-USA - International UCI.
Dogs Name: Mr. Maine Aim Shadow
Championship: ARBA - KC-USA - UCI
Owners Name: MAINE AIM RANCH Maine Aim Ranch Dogs McCullough Fitting Clinics Chuck & Karen McCullough 1250 King Rd. Allerton, IA. 50008
This dog has earned championships with the American Rare Breed Association - Kennel Club USA - International UCI
Dogs Name: Lollipop's Mr. Champ Of Maine Aim
Championship:ARBA - KC-USA - UCI
Owners Name: MAINE AIM RANCH Maine Aim Ranch Dogs McCullough Fitting Clinics Chuck & Karen McCullough 1250 King Rd. Allerton, IA. 50008
This dog has earned championships with the American Rare Breed Association - Kennel Club USA - International UCI
Dogs Name: Miss Maine Aim Monna
Championship:ARBA - KC-USA - UCI
Owners Name: MAINE AIM RANCH Maine Aim Ranch Dogs McCullough Fitting Clinics Chuck & Karen McCullough 1250 King Rd. Allerton, IA. 50008
This dog has earned championships with the American Rare Breed Association - Kennel Club USA - International UCI
Dogs Name: Main Aim Miss WEillow
Championship:ARBA - KC-USA - UCI
Owners Name: MAINE AIM RANCH Maine Aim Ranch Dogs McCullough Fitting Clinics Chuck & Karen McCullough 1250 King Rd. Allerton, IA. 50008
This dog has earned championships with the American Rare Breed Association - Kennel Club USA - International UCI
Dogs Name: Miss Maine Aim Kassi
Championship:ARBA - KC-USA - UCI
Owners Name: MAINE AIM RANCH Maine Aim Ranch Dogs McCullough Fitting Clinics Chuck & Karen McCullough 1250 King Rd. Allerton, IA. 50008
This dog has earned championships with the American Rare Breed Association - Kennel Club USA - International UCI
Dogs Name: Miss Maine Aim Lacy
Championship:ARBA - KC-USA - UCI
Owners Name: MAINE AIM RANCH Maine Aim Ranch Dogs McCullough Fitting Clinics Chuck & Karen McCullough 1250 King Rd. Allerton, IA. 50008
This dog has earned championships with the American Rare Breed Association - Kennel Club USA - International UCI
Dogs Name: Mr. Maine Aim Major
Championship:ARBA - KC-USA - UCI
Owners Name: MAINE AIM RANCH Maine Aim Ranch Dogs McCullough Fitting Clinics Chuck & Karen McCullough 1250 King Rd. Allerton, IA. 50008
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.